Espaço Viver Dança & Cia
Espaço Viver Dança & Cia
Espaço Viver Dança & Cia
Espaço Viver Dança & Cia
Juliano Vendemiatti is an interdisciplinary artist and somatic educator. With diverse experience in music, dance and video projects, Vendemiatti emphasizes the values of accessibility and democratization through integrative artistic and educational projects.
Born in Brazil with Italian descent, Vendemiatti studied at the Ernst Mahle School of Music of Piracicaba, and later at the Berklee College of Music in Boston and at the Codarts University for the Arts in Rotterdam. He has been exploring and practicing art and movement, inspired by the works of Moshe Feldenkrais, Mia Segal, Haruchika Noguchi, Toshiyuki Tanaka, José Maria Carvalho, and many others.
Vendemiatti is a certified Master Practitioner in Feldenkrais Mind Body Studies, with over a decade of experience teaching both art and movement studies workshops in several countries, including USA, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Brazil, and Belgium, with extended stays in India and Japan.​​